Lenten Midweek Soup Supper and Evening Prayer • Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26, April 2 & 9 • Soup Supper 5:15 pm, Evening Prayer 6:15 pm •
Lenten Midweek Soup Supper and Evening Prayer • Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26, April 2 & 9 • Soup Supper 5:15 pm, Evening Prayer 6:15 pm •

Welcome to The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd in Olympia, Washington!
It’s Good Shepherd’s mission to share the love and grace of Jesus Christ with all people and to invite them to fullness of faith in God.
Welcoming and hospitality are an important part of who we understand ourselves to be as a community of faith. As in everything else, our model is Jesus. In one of his letters, the Apostle Paul urges his readers to “welcome one another just as Christ has welcomed you.” A contemporary translation reads, “Reach out and welcome one another … Jesus did it, now you do it!”
Several years ago, in an effort to do what Jesus did, our congregation adopted an Affirmation of Welcome:
The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd Welcomes All People:
The poor and the rich, the young and the old
People who are single, married, blessed, divorced, separated, partnered, or widowed
People of all abilities
People of all sexual orientations and gender identities
People of all nations and ethnic backgrounds
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
In-Person Worship
Sermon from Sunday, March 23
Bishop Richard Jaech preaching
Click on the CC button on the bottom of the video screen to turn on subtitles/closed captions
Video recordings of the Sunday sermon will be posted on Sunday afternoon on the website, Facebook, and YouTube
Video recordings of past sermons can also be found on the Recent Sermons webpage

St. John | San Juan Episcopal Church in Olympia and The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd will share in worshipping together several times during and before/after Lent, as well as swapping sanctuaries during five Sunday mornings of Lent. The goal of this pilgrimage together is to build our partnerships in ministry. View the following links to more related information: Sanctuary Swap Info Sheet, Schedule of Dates/Times/Locations, Worship Overview, FAQ Sheet, Press Release, Sunday Programs for Children & Youth
Upcoming Worship
Wednesday, March 26
5:15 pm Soup Supper — A simple meal of soup and bread in Crary Hall. Free and open to all.
6:15 pm Lenten Evening Prayer — The evening prayer liturgy is Bless This Night, created by the Holden Village community in 2023. Each service will also include a time of prayer around the cross, in the style of Holden Village.
Sunday, March 30
SANCTUARY SWAP: Good Shepherd will worship at St. John | San Juan Episcopal Church
114 20th Ave SE, Olympia (off Capitol Way)
9:00 am Activity Time – This special time is all about free play, creativity, and building meaningful connections.
9 am Forum – Voices of Love: The Dementia Care Journey. Hear from Good Shepherd friends, as we care for our dear ones.
10 am Worship – Fourth Sunday in Lent, Holy Communion, Sunday School, Pastor Carol Tomer preaching.
View the Sanctuary Swap Info Sheet for specific instructions regarding directions, parking, and entrance doors.
A play area in the sanctuary and a staffed nursery will be available in for the youngest among us.
A recording of the sermon will be posted on Sunday afternoon here on the website home page and on Facebook and YouTube.
Wednesdays, March 12 through April 9
Good Shepherd will be hosting Lenten Midweek Soup Suppers & Worship on five Wednesdays, March 12, 19 & 26, April 2 & 9. Soup Suppers at 5:15 pm followed by Lenten Evening Prayer at 6:15 pm. These are joint gatherings with St. John | San Juan Episcopal Church and The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd as part of their Lenten Pilgrimage 2025. Visit the webpage for more info
Saturday, April 13 at 3 pm
The Good Shepherd Easter Egg Hunt & Celebration: Rooted In Love will take place on the afternoon of April 13 at 3 pm on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. Children of all ages will be able to hunt for eggs, explore the Easter Story, and enjoy an Ice Cream Sundae Bar! Visit the webpage for more details.