Upcoming Children, Youth, & Family Events

Lenten “Sanctuary Swap” Sundays (March 2-April 6) — Sunday Mornings at St. John | San Juan

  • Learning Hour: in the Classroom space (called the Atrium)

  • Sunday School: After All God’s Children Message, in Classroom Space

  • All God’s Children: During Service, in front (hopefully)

  • Children’s Area: May move to a different space

  • Nursery: Adjacent to Classroom Space

Learning Hour — Sunday Mornings at 9 am at St. John | San Juan

When we are at St. John | San Juan, the Learning Hour will take place in their Classroom space (called the Atrium). It will follow the typical focus on being a relaxing space for children to hang out, build friendships, and play games!

Sunday School — Sunday Mornings during worship at 10 am at St. John | San Juan

Sunday School will continue to take place during worship in the Atrium (March 2, 16, 30, April 6). Children (K-6) will be invited to depart after the Children’s Message and return after the sermon. Classes will continue to be led by Good Shepherd members using Good Shepherd curriculum.

Children’s Area — During Worship at St. John | San Juan

The SJSJ Children’s Area is in the back of their sanctuary. We plan to keep it there during the Pilgrimage, but are willing to move it around if there is demand. If you have feelings after the initial worship on March 2, let us know!

For All God’s Children — During Worship at St. John | San Juan

Like at Good Shepherd, the For All God’s Children time will summon children to the front of the sanctuary for the Children’s Message, prayer, and blessing.

Nursery — Sunday Mornings at St. John | San Juan

While we worship at St. John | San Juan, we will use their Nursery space. It will be staffed by the Nursery Attendants employed by Good Shepherd.

Post-Worship — Sunday Mornings at St. John | San Juan

After worship, kids will not be free to wander throughout the entirety of the church space as they do in Good Shepherd. We have been asked not to use a number of spaces in the wider church. Those spaces will (hopefully) be taped off and clearly marked. In general, make sure that children stay in the Fellowship Hall, Nursery, and Classroom. And since we are guests in their space, please help make sure that children treat their materials with respect.

Lenten Soup Suppers and Worship — Wednesdays at 5 pm at Good Shepherd

The Soup Suppers are back! Each Wednesday evening there will be a full array of home-prepared soups. There should be options for all ages, including younger children. All Soup Suppers will be held in Crary Hall at Good Shepherd.

Following the Soup Suppers at 6pm is a Lenten Worship Service that will feature the Bless This Night liturgy from Holden Village and a Prayer Around the Cross Time curated by the youth of the congregation. These thirty(ish) minute services are kid-friendly and a great way to spend your Wednesday evenings!

Easter Egg Hunt & Celebration — Sunday, April 13 at 3 pm at Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd Easter Egg Hunt & Celebration will take place on the afternoon of Palm Sunday April 13, the Sunday before Easter. This is a family-friendly event for all ages where participants can join in on an egg hunt, explore the Easter Story, and enjoy an Ice Cream Sundae Bar! Visit the event webpage for more information and to register to participate.

South Sound Youth Group (11 - 18 years old) Every Third Sunday of the month from 5-8 pm

The South Sound Youth Group is a joint group of youth from Good Shepherd Lutheran and Gloria Dei Lutheran in West Olympia. These gatherings are a time of fun, community, play, and worship! We'll gather together for dinner (free of cost), before playing games like Vampire Tag in the church. Then we close the night with small group discussions and a time of contemplative worship.

We alternate gatherings each month at Good Shepherd and Gloria Dei. Youth are invited and encouraged to bring friends! (go to Youth Activity Night webpage for schedule.

Community Meals (All Ages!) Every First Sunday Evening of the month at 5:30 pm (Mar. 2, Apr. 6, May 4)

All ages are invited to the Good Shepherd Community Meal on every first Sunday evening at 5:30 pm. We'll gather in Crary Hall and enjoy a simple but satisfying meal together. All meals are made to be vegetarian friendly and nourishing, and there will always be vegan options. A $1 donation is requested per person to sustain the Community Meal program. Visit the Community Meals webpage for more info and meal menu.

Confirmation Classes (7th Grade and Above) Every First Sunday Evening of the month (Mar. 2, Apr. 6, May 4)

Good Shepherd’s Confirmation program intended for youth in 7th grade and above but is open to anyone! Confirmation classes take place on the first Sunday afternoon/evening of every month. Visit the Confirmation Class webpage for more information.