Upcoming Worship & Forums
Advent Sunday Morning Worship at 10 am
Learning Hour Forums and Children’s Activity Time at 9 am
Sunday Morning Worship
Daring Advent Hope in Christ: The Weary World Rejoices
During Advent Sunday morning worship this year, we will be drawing upon a thematic focus provided by theologian Kate Bowler. (Some of you may remember our study of her books, including Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I Have Loved.)
Video recordings of the sermon will be posted on Sunday afternoon at 3pm on Facebook, YouTube, and here on the the website
Sunday Morning Children Activities
Activity Time – Every Sunday Morning during the Learning Hour at 9 am (except Dec. 29), children and youth of all ages are invited to the Youth Room (in the lower level) for some Activity Time! The focus of Activity Time will be on building relationships and creative play, more than education. There will be a combination of free play, organized group activities, and time for conversation. It will be a lot of fun, and a great way to make new friends and develop lasting friendships at church!
Sunday School – Every other Sunday (starting on Jan. 5), children between Kindergarten and Sixth Grade will have the option to temporarily leave worship after the For All God’s Children Time for Sunday School. Sunday School will take place in Room 114, and be an interactive lesson on a story from The Bible. Children will return for worship during the Sermon Hymn. We hope that this allows all children to encounter the Gospel appropriate to their energy level and interest. Contact Pastor Bergen at bergen@gsolympia.org with questions or if you would like to serve as a Sunday School teacher.
A play area and seating for children and their caregivers is available in the sanctuary, and a staffed nursery is also available in Room 114 for the youngest among us
Sunday, December 22
9am Forum – Queer Liberation Theology – Led by Pastor Bergen Eickhoff
About the forum: As a conclusion to the Wednesday evening Liberation Theology series of classes this past fall, Pastor Bergen Eickhoff will lead a forum on Queer liberation theology, one of the most recent and urgent Christian theologies. We will cover the ways that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer people challenge Christian theology to find freedom through Jesus' gift of embodied and imminent transformation. You do NOT need to have attended liberation theology classes to understand this forum. In fact, this forum will serve as a great summary of the state of liberation theology in the United States. Come be transformed by the witness of Queer liberation theology.
10 am Worship – Fourth Sunday of Advent, Lighting of the Advent Candles, “On the Cusp of Christmas: The Promise of Justice,” extended prelude of carols by harpist Cyndi Zechmann beginning at 9:45 am, Preacher: Pastor Suzanne Appelo, retired pastor, formerly of Gull Harbor Lutheran Church
A South Sound Christmas Eve
Sunday, December 24
Christmas Eve Worship Services at 5 pm & 8 pm
5:00 pm — A Festival Intergenerational Worship Service: Worship service for all ages with Holy Communion, individual candles, and Silent Night. Music by the Good Shepherd Choir featuring a trumpet quartet. Pastor Bergen Eickhoff preaching.
The prelude will begin approximately 4:50 pm
Room at the Inn: Share in the Feast of Christmas — All are welcome to a time for fellowship and sweet & savory appetizers immediately following the worship service.
8:00 pm — A Celtic Contemplative Worship Service: A worship service that is shaped by several Christmas songs with roots in the British Isles and liturgical texts connected to ancient Celtic sources. Worship includes Holy Communion, individual candles, and Silent Night. Reflection by Pastor Carol Tomer.
The prelude will begin approximately 7:50 pm. All are invited to come forward to light candles in the sand cross at the front of the sanctuary during this prelude time.
Room at the Inn: Share in the Feast of Christmas — All are welcome to a time for fellowship and sweet & savory appetizers immediately following the worship service.
Sunday, December 29
10 am Worship – First Sunday of the Christmas Season, “You-Pick-‘Em Carol Sing” and we’ll sing in the new year, Pastor Bergen Eickhoff preaching
Sunday, January 5
9 am Forum – At the Capitol and Across the State: Faith Action Network. Part 1 of the January Forum Series – People of Faith in Civic Leadership: Building Bridges Across Divides
About the forum: We welcome Dr. Joyce del Rosario, the new Executive Director of Faith Action Network, which is a statewide, multifaith partnership striving for just, compassionate, and sustainable communities through courageous advocacy and public action.
10 am Worship – Epiphany of Our Lord, Sunday School, Holy Communion, An Epiphany Global Liturgy, Pastor Carol Tomer preaching
Sunday, January 12
9 am Forum – Leading from the Lieutenant Governor’s Office. Part 2 of the January Forum Series – People of Faith in Civic Leadership: Building Bridges Across Divides
About the forum: We welcome Lieutenant Governor Denny Heck, who has served in Congress as well as in the Washington State House of Representatives, before serving in his current role since 2020. He is a builder of bridges among leaders in pursuit of the common good.
10 am Worship – Baptism of our Lord, Sunday School, Baptism of Soren Peterson and Mattias Peterson, New Life Rising Liturgy, Pastor Bergen Eickhoff preaching
Sunday, January 19
9 am Forum – A Glimpse into Episcopalians and the Episcopal Church
About the forum: Jaime Case of St. John|San Juan will try to answer questions about the Episcopal Church and Episcopalians in general in this forum. Rev. Case has been a priest for over 30 years, taught at the Seminary of the Southwest, and is currently an associate for Hispanic Ministry at St. John|San Juan Episcopal Church, the congregation with whom Good Shepherd is sharing in a Lenten pilgrimage of worshipping together and also of swapping worship spaces during Lent upcoming..
10 am Worship – Holy Communion, Sunday School, A Liturgy of Bridges and Roots, Guest Preacher — Pastor Franklin Wilson, former Good Shepherd pastor and member of St. John|San Juan Episcopal Church
Sunday, January 26
9 am Forum – Civic Leadership and the Public Interest. Part 3 of the January Forum Series – People of Faith in Civic Leadership: Building Bridges Across Divides
About the forum: We welcome Good Shepherd folks Dave Workman and Clover Lockhard. Dave has served as a political reporter for the Tacoma News Tribune, a spokesperson for two state agencies, and an author. Clover has served as a aide to Congresswoman Jolene Unsoeld.
10 am Worship – A Legacy Liturgy: Classic and Ancient Gifts, Pastor Carol Tomer preaching