Good Shepherd Ministry Guide

Good Shepherd supports a variety of ministries ranging from faith, community, advocacy, and social oriented groups who all play a part in Good Shepherds many outreach efforts.



Attend Good Shepherd’s Ministry Team Fair on Sunday, September 25 at 11 am following worship

Care Ministry Team

Mission: To provide prayer, visitation, hospitality, comfort and a listening ear for those experiencing difficult times.

About The Care Ministry Team

Homebound Communion

Children, Youth, & Family Ministry (CYF)

To provide opportunities of engagement for children, youth, and families in areas of faith formation, through education, leadership through worship and involvement in within Good Shepherd and Olympia, and fellowship with one another here at Good Shepherd and within the greater church.

Contact: Bergen Eickhoff at

Upcoming CYF Gatherings & Events

Sunday Morning Programs

SSYG Activity Nights

Easter Egg-stravaganza

CIELO Support

Mission: To support CIELO according to our gifts for the betterment of our immigration community. 

Contact: Barb Lantz at

LCGS/CIELO Monthly Food/Supply Bank

Climate Shepherds

Mission: To care for creation and work toward a livable climate in Community, in Congregation and Individually.

Contact: Rhonda Hunter at

2024 Eco Fair & Art Festival

Solar Panel Update

Columbarium Ministry

Mission: To manage and maintain the Good Shepherd Memorial Garden. 

Contact : Linda Egge at

About the Columbarium

Community Garden

Mission: To grow produce for the Thurston County Food Bank and provide garden space for members of the community.

Contact: Lynn Byrnes at

Cub Scouts

Mission: To provide opportunities for youth to learn good leadership qualities, communication and outdoor skills.

Contact: Contact: Mary Goldmann at

Scout Sunday 2024

Facilities Work Group

Mission: To improve conditions of the grounds and building by planning and implementing a variety of maintenance and improvement projects all over the Good Shepherd campus.

Contact: Bob Wubbena at

Fair Trade Sales

Mission: To promote products that aim to keep small farmers and artisans an active part of the world marketplace by raising and stabilizing their incomes.

Contact: Diane Armbrust at

About Fair Trade Sales

Gifts in Worship

Mission: To grow in faith by serving in worship. Opportunities include, Reader, Crucifer & Book Bearer, Communion Servers, Lead Welcomers, Ushers and Sound. 

Contact: Lynn McCallum or Connie Klein at

Use Your Gifts in Worship

Hospitality Serving Teams

Mission: To provide a welcoming, relaxing atmosphere during fellowship time by providing coffee, treats, and other refreshments. 

Contact: Barb Lantz at

Hospitality Ministry

Mission: To encourage and welcome everyone into the Good Shepherd community, and become better acquainted with each other. 

Contact: Val Gerst at

Hunger & Poverty Ministry

Mission: To lead in actions that contribute to sustainable efforts to end hunger and poverty through education, providing services, advocating for legislation, and providing financial resources.

Contact: Barb Lantz at

or Diane Armbrust at

Knit, Purl and Pray

Mission: To enjoy fellowship while creating projects. 

Contact: Quinna Renner at

Koinonia Quilters

Mission: To foster fellowship with other quilters and provide quilts for members, friends of Good Shepherd, and the community.

Contact: Rosie Macs at or Terry Estergard at

Be a Koinonia Quilter

LGBTQIA+ Ministry

Mission: To work on concerns surrounding the LGBTQIA+ community and lead Good Shepherd in being a Reconciling in Christ congregation, welcoming all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Contact: Bonnie Jacques at and Amanda Dlugo

About the LGBTQIA+ Ministry

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Lydia Circle

Mission: To study the Bible with the aid of the Gather magazine. 

Contact: Mary Arbaugh at

Men’s Prayer, Bible Study, and Fellowship Group

Mission: To meet each week via Zoom to enjoy fellowship, and pray and study God’s word by studying the lectionary texts in preparation for upcoming Sunday worship

Contact: John Masterson at

Music Ministries

Mission: To enhance worship and provide musical outreach ministry opportunities for all. 

Contact: Nickolas Carlson at

Good Shepherd Choir

Outreach and Publicity Ministry Team

Mission: To spread the word about the worship life and ministry work of Good Shepherd. 

Contact: Katie Scott at

Piece Corps

Mission: To create quilts for distribution by Lutheran World Relief, Celebrate Birthdays and Anniversaries with monthly potlucks and to support those in need with cards and visitations. 

Contact: Joan Wubbena at

Join the Piece Corp

Quilt Sunday

Sages (55+)

Mission: To provide fellowship for seniors at Good Shepherd.

Contact: Bob Harvey

About the Sages


Mission: To provide opportunities for youth to learn good leadership qualities, communication and outdoor skills.

Contact: Ryan Buchanan at

Scout Sunday 2024

Women’s Prayer, Bible Study, and Fellowship Group

Mission: To meet each week via Zoom to enjoy fellowship, and pray and study God’s word by studying the lectionary texts in preparation for upcoming Sunday worship

Contact: Cyndi Zechmann at

Be a Part of the Weekly Women’s Bible Study Group

Women’s Book Group

Mission: To discuss books with a “social justice” focus. Books are chosen by the group and led by various members.

Contact: Bonnie Jacques at

Worship Ministry Team

Mission: To enrich the worship life of Good Shepherd by supporting worship planning, music, and innovative, meaningful forms of worship.

Contact: Cindy Spencer at