Toilet Paper Pyramid 2025

Final Tally & Thank You

by Valerie Gerst, Member of Nourishing our Neighbors Ministry Team

We started 2025 off by building a pyramid of toilet paper in our entry area. Thanks to all of you that contributed. We collected 1642 rolls of toilet paper. 821 rolls went to the CIELO Satellite Food Bank and 821went to the Thurston County Food Bank.

Thank you, Quinna Renner for suggesting we again build the pyramid. We had taken a few years off, but one month she noticed the CIELO Food Bank had run out of this essential item, so she asked the Nourishing our Neighbors Ministry Team if we could again build the pyramid. The Team agreed and both Pastors agreed.  

Thanks too to the Climate Shepherds Ministry Team for educating us on environmentally safe toilet paper (see related article below). The Food Bank personnel were thrilled & they took a picture of Barb Lantz & me next to the huge stack to put on their Facebook page! It took a village and I know the Food Bank patrons will appreciate our generosity.

Toilet Tissue Pyramid Environmental Assessment

by the Climate Shepherds Ministry Team

What a wonderful show of generosity to our neighbors with our annual stack of toilet tissue!  The Climate Shepherds took inventory of the ‘pyramid’ and here are some statistics we gathered. In 2020, when the Climate Shepherds first posted TP grades on their bulletin board in Crary Hall these were the statistics: 40 packages received, 32 with F grades and 8 with A or B grades. That’s 20% good for the environment while the remaining 80% helped cut down boreal forests. But the good news in 2025 is a noticeable improvement. Of the 59 packages received, 20 were of A or B grade, while 39 failed the environmental test. That’s 33.8% good for the environment while the remaining 66.2% got the F. Our improvement is two-fold. First, we donated 19 more packages than in 2020 and second, we raised our A & B score by 13.8%.  While this is good news we still have more to do. Now that we know where to find the grades of various brands it’s up to each one of us to take action to protect the boreal forests, so important to fighting climate change. Be sure to just purchase A & B grades for daily in-home use and for next year’s pyramid. Check out the Climate Shepherds bulletin board in Crary Hall for more about toilet tissue grades and neighboring Canadian boreal forest information.


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