LCGS/CIELO Monthly Food/Supply Bank

The LCGS/CIELO Food Bank featured in The Olympian
The next Food Bank is Friday, February 28
The LCGS/CIELO Monthly Food Bank is on the 4th Friday of every month (3rd Friday in Dec.)
Two shifts are offered to volunteers: 9:15 a.m. to about 11:00 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The Food & Supply Bank will now be taking place in the Good Shepherd Gymnasium (south end of parking lot)
The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd (LCGS) and Centro Integral Educativo Latino de Olympia CIELO) co-sponsor a Food and Hygiene Supply Bank in partnership with the Thurston County Food Bank (TCFB). Over 70 families are served monthly. On the 4th Friday, families pick up TCFB-supplied food, and hygiene supplies sponsored in part by the generous donations of the congregation.
Diapers, toilet paper, bar soap and a hygiene item of the month (e.g. laundry soap, dish soap, menstrual products, toothbrush/toothpaste and kitchen/bathroom cleaning supplies) are distributed monthly. Donations of hygiene supplies and funding to purchase these items is greatly appreciated. We are in particular need of diapers (size 6), diaper wipes and toilet paper. (see monthly hygiene supply chart below)
Inflation impacts all of us, but it is particularly hard on those with low incomes or living on a minimum wage. These donations help to ease the burden for our neighbors in need. You may drop off donations (listed below), Monday through Friday 9:00 to 3:30 p.m. or Sundays at the church. A hygiene collection schedule is described below. Please use the chart below as a reference while grocery shopping.
Morning Shift Volunteers Needed
We always in need of more morning volunteers to help from 9:15 - 11:30 or so to help package vegetables and fruits, breads, cheese and meats. We found out that there is a BIG difference packaging for 60 versus packaging for 100! If you can volunteer to serve, please contact Barb Lantz by text or cell at 360-584-8395 or by email at We are working with the Food Bank to have their team deliver the truck loads (now two) and unload with their pallet moving device. This change would significantly reduce the need for “strong backs” at Good Shepherd to move heavier loads. More to come on this. If morning won't work for you, we can use your assistance during the afternoon from noon to 2:00 p.m. to help distribute food and hygiene products.
Hygiene Supply Products Needed
The morning crew empties one or two deliveries contained in the Thurston County Food Bank food truck and packages food stuffs (vegetables, fruits, breads).
The afternoon crew places meat, milk, eggs, food boxes and sacks in client vehicles. Each vehicle ‘drives by' the entrance of the church as their vehicles are filled with food and hygiene products. Along with food, we provide toilet paper (4 rolls) and a bar of soap, diapers (90% of families request diapers), diaper wipes and a 'hygiene supply of the month' (click on the link to see Monthly Item Donation Schedule).
Toilet paper is again being restricted (one package only) at Costco. If each family would be willing to bring in one container of any size toilet paper it would be much appreciated. Larger sizes are extremely helpful. We need size 4, 5 and 6 diapers each month.
Drop off your items at church between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Place the bags inside Crary Hall on or under the table just inside the door.
This month (September) we are collecting facial tissue. Please bring items to church anytime. Place these in the box underneath the table in Crary Hall by the colored bins.
Many thanks for your recent donations of hygiene supplies and financial donations these last few weeks. Our stockroom looks better! And with the recent toilet paper drive that should keep us stocked up for 3 or 4 months! We recently received notice from the Food Bank on the amount of Food distributed in 2021. On average, 3,860 pounds of food were distributed to CIELO clients each month. God is good! Thank you for your continued support of the bank with $ and product donations.
Click on the information link below learn more about the work of CIELO.
LCGS/CIELO Food Bank - Continued Donations and Funding Always Needed
The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd (LCGS) and Centro Integral Educativo Latino de Olympia (CIELO) has co-sponsored a Food and Hygiene Supply Bank in partnership with the Thurston County Food Bank (TCFB) for approximately three years. On the 4th Friday of each month, families pick up food supplied the TCFB along with hygiene supplies sponsored by the generous donations of this congregation.
Each month, congregation members and community volunteers distribute diapers, toilet paper, and bar soap, plus a hygiene supply item of the month (e.g., laundry soap, dish soap, female hygiene supplies, Kleenex, toothbrush/toothpaste and kitchen and bathroom cleaning supplies). Both in November and December, over 100 households (120-130 families) received these items, overwhelming our existing supplies. Sadly, we have become a victim of our own success!
The hygiene portion of the bank has been impacted by three factors necessitating our team to seek grant funding. Waning financial commitment from congregation and community members has occurred from inflation (estimates of 6.8 percent), historical donations supplied by those on fixed incomes, and increased utilization (initially serving 45 families per month; now over 100 families per month). These factors cause us to look for additional sources of money to support the program.
In December, we applied for and received two small Thrivent Action Grants (250.00 each). Now we are applying for other grants. We reassessed costs and outlays of hygiene supplies, which amount to nearly $1,500.00 per month. We reduced the number of diapers distributed to families. We are reaching out to existing community resources to see if we can secure additional product.
In 2021, inflation impacted all of us, but it is particularly challenging to those living on minimum wage.
As always, please consider donating one box or package of size 5 or 6 diapers.
If you are a Thrivent member, please reach out to Barb Lantz or 360-584-8395 so I may instruct you on how to apply for a Thrivent Action Grant. It takes about 10 minutes, and if you are successful, you can purchase up to $250.00 in diapers or toilet paper for the bank.