Homebound Communion

Request for Homebound Communion

Once a month Ministers of Communion are sent out to bring communion to homebound members of Good Shepherd. If you or someone you know would like communion brought to you/them in their home, please contact Chris by phone at 360-352-7992 or email at cistoll4392@gmail.com.

Homebound Communion Ministry Opportunity

Once a month at Sunday morning worship, the names of Good Shepherd Communion Ministers to the Homebound and their recipient(s) are read aloud to the congregation. Then the presider leads us in praying for the Communion Ministers and their recipients. After worship, these lay ministers pick up a box and make plans to deliver it.

Any member of Good Shepherd can be a Communion Minister to the Homebound. There is a brief training, but no other meetings are required. Basically, you contact your homebound member and arrange for a time to visit. You will have a Communion Box with three copies of the Homebound Liturgy (essentially a “mini” worship service). Also in the box are wafers, wine, cups, a small plate, a bottle of hand sanitizer and a small plastic baggie for the used cups. As you may have noticed during communion worship services, the boxes are on the altar and part of the elements that are blessed in our liturgy.

Bringing communion to the homebound gives a tangible purpose for the visit and opens the door for more conversation. It’s also a wonderful, behind-the-scenes ministry that is a real blessing – not only for the recipient but also for the one bringing this much appreciated gift.

If you are interested, please call Chris at 360-352-7992, or email at: cistoll4392@gmail.com.


Pickleball Weekends!


From the ELCA: “Dismantle”