Good Shepherd Advocates

This is a time for action. Many of us are deeply concerned with the political environment today and hopefully are being motivated to do something. This is your opportune time because right now our Washington legislature is already 4 weeks into the 2025 session. Many bills have been introduced and are working their way through the committees, house and senate. A number of bills have a direct relation to what we believe and therefore it is important that our faith drives us to take action on them. On Sunday, February 16, members of Good Shepherd’s ministry teams will staff tables in the entry area before and after worship to promote advocacy on a list of bills now working their way through the legislative session. They will have computers there open to various websites, including where you can sign in and take a stance or just learn how to use the site so you can go home and log in. Please take advantage of this opportunity to speak out. Don’t wait for someone else to do it for you, because we all now know what happens when not enough of the right people take action. View the links below for more information.

 Advocacy 2025   Legislative Agenda 2025


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