Sunday Morning Children Activities

Activity TimeEvery Sunday Morning during the Learning Hour at 9 am, children and youth of all ages are invited to the Youth Room (in the lower level) for some Activity Time! The focus of Activity Time will be on building relationships and creative play, more than education. There will be a combination of free play, organized group activities, and time for conversation. It will be a lot of fun, and a great way to make new friends and develop lasting friendships at church!

Sunday SchoolEvery other Sunday (Jan. 19, Feb. 2 & 16), children between Kindergarten and Sixth Grade will have the option to temporarily leave worship after the For All God’s Children Time for Sunday School. Sunday School will take place in Room 114, and be an interactive lesson on a story from the bible. Children will return for worship during the Sermon Hymn. We hope that this allows all children to encounter the Gospel appropriate to their energy level and interest. Contact Pastor Bergen at with questions or if you would like to serve as a Sunday School teacher.

A play area and seating for children and their caregivers is available in the sanctuary, and a staffed nursery is also available in Room 114 for the youngest among us

Sunday Morning Children & Youth Programs at St. John | San Juan Episcopal During the Lenten Pilgrimage Joint Worship & “Sanctuary Swap Sundays”

Joint LCGS & SJSJ Sunday School on March 2

During our shared Sunday experience with St. John’s | San Juan Episcopal Church, we are excited to take part in their inspiring and distinctive approach to Sunday School! We hope this opportunity will bring fresh energy and spark curiosity within our community. Children in grades K-6 are warmly invited to join the morning processional into the church and then continue to the Atrium for Godly Play, St. John’s Montessori-based Sunday School program. This unique curriculum helps children create a meaningful connection to Bible stories through ritual, wonder, and play. Children will return to worship during communion. We’re looking forward to sharing this special experience together!

Sunday Morning Activity Time – LCGS-only Sundays, March 9 - April 6

Every Sunday Morning at 9 am, children and youth of all ages are warmly invited to the Atrium (next to the nursery) for Activity Time! This special time is all about free play, creativity, and building meaningful connections. As we settle into the new church space during our Lenten Pilgrimage, Activity Time offers a chance to explore what it means to be together, encounter God in new ways, and discover the joy of community. Designed as a kid-led experience, this is a wonderful opportunity for friendship, fun, and imaginative play. We can’t wait to see you there!

Sunday School – LCGS-only

On March 2, March 16, and April 6, all children in grades K-6 are invited to participate in Sunday School during the sermon, right after All God’s Children time. Sunday School will take place in the Atrium (next to the nursery) and will include an interactive Bible story, games, and crafts led by members of Good Shepherd. This special time is designed to help kids engage with Bible stories in an age-appropriate way, exploring who God is and who God created them to be. Each session offers a fun, play-based opportunity for kids to connect, learn, and grow together. We look forward to sharing this exciting experience with your children!