Register for Sunday School

As we enter this new season of back to school and cooler weather, we are excited to offer faith building and fellowship activities for the children and youth in our community! If you have a child in Grades Pre-K - 12th Grade, you can register them for Good Shepherd’s Children’s Faith Formation or Youth Faith Explorer Sunday School classes. Sunday School begins September 25 at 11:15 a.m. We are looking forward to connecting with your children and exploring faith with them! Good Shepherd has a Sunday morning schedule with the learning hour taking place following worship. Good Shepherd’s “Learning Hour” is not quite an hour, it is 45-minutes (11:15 am - Noon). There is programming for ALL SCHOOL GRADES AND AGES.

Infants and Toddlers

The nursery will be open and available from 9:00 - Noon. Children up to age 5 are welcome (although there is programming for preschool and up during the Learning Hour, see below). This is a great opportunity for the youngest of God’s children to get acquainted and feel comfortable in church, while allowing the adults in their lives to participate in the life and ministry of Good Shepherd in other ways.

Preschool - 5th Grade Faith Formation

Faith Formation, aka Sunday School, is back! We’ll be going deep into a variety of Bible stories and themes through a variety of topics (think cooking, music, science, etc!). The plan is to spend three weeks on each Bible story or theme so that the children can discover each one in three unique ways. No week will be the same! Here is the link to register your child(ren) for Faith Formation. Note: You will need to complete the registration for each child separately.

6th Grade - 12th Grade Youth Faith Explorers

Good Shepherd’s Youth chose the name for this Sunday morning gathering and we are excited for them to dive in and explore their faith this year! This year they will explore Lutheran History and Catechism (a really fancy word for what Lutherans believe)! We ask that each youth be registered for Faith Explorers. Note: You will need to complete the registration for each youth separately.

Watch for additional information to come your way for Youth in grades 6 - 12 regarding Faith in Action Wednesdays and Confirmation!

In order to best support our program staffing we request you complete the registration form by Rally Sunday, September 18, 2022. If you have any personal questions or requests, please let us know.

We are looking forward to an incredible year of Faith Formation and Faith Explorers!


You Can Help Youth on Their Faith Journey


What Good Shepherd’s Welcome Statement Means to Me