Thanks for Donating to Pepper’s Pantry

Recently, we delivered a car loaded with food to Olympia High School's Pepper's Pantry.  It was amazing how much food we collected from our congregation. 

We did this because an Olympia High School student from our congregation, Jacob Norris, asked us to collect food for this worthy school project.  He helped to set up Pepper's Pantry and now helps to run it, learning in the process how to run a business.  He knows he belongs to a caring & generous congregation, so asked us to help.

The food we donated will help feed those growing and hungry high school kids on their way to first class.  They may not have had a chance to eat breakfast and instead of concentrating on being hungry, they can concentrate on their class. 

Thank you, Jacob, for asking us to help out.  Mercy & Justice/The Hunger Committee


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