A South Sound Christmas Eve • Two Worship Services: Intergenerational Festival at 5 pm & Celtic Contemplative at 8 pm •

A South Sound Christmas Eve • Two Worship Services: Intergenerational Festival at 5 pm & Celtic Contemplative at 8 pm •

Welcome to The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd in Olympia, Washington!

It’s Good Shepherd’s mission to share the love and grace of Jesus Christ with all people and to invite them to fullness of faith in God.

Welcoming and hospitality are an important part of who we understand ourselves to be as a community of faith. As in everything else, our model is Jesus. In one of his letters, the Apostle Paul urges his readers to “welcome one another just as Christ has welcomed you.” A contemporary translation reads, “Reach out and welcome one another … Jesus did it, now you do it!”

Several years ago, in an effort to do what Jesus did, our congregation adopted an Affirmation of Welcome:

The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd Welcomes All People:

  • The poor and the rich, the young and the old

  • People who are single, married, blessed, divorced, separated, partnered, or widowed

  • People of all abilities

  • People of all sexual orientations and gender identities

  • People of all nations and ethnic backgrounds

No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

In-Person Worship

Sermon from December 15, 2024

Pastor Bergen Eickhoff preaching

Click on the CC button on the bottom of the video screen to turn on subtitles/closed captions

Video recordings of the Sunday sermon will be posted on Sunday afternoon at 3pm here on the website, Facebook, and YouTube

Video recordings of past sermons can also be found on the Recent Sermons webpage

Upcoming Sunday Worship

Daring Advent Hope in Christ: The Weary World Rejoices

During Advent Sunday morning worship this year, we will be drawing upon a thematic focus provided by theologian Kate Bowler. (Some of you may remember our study of her books, including Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I Have Loved.)

Sunday, December 22

9 am ForumQueer Liberation Theology – Led by Pastor Bergen Eickhoff

About the forum: As a conclusion to the Wednesday evening Liberation Theology series of classes this past fall, Pastor Bergen Eickhoff will lead a forum on Queer liberation theology, one of the most recent and urgent Christian theologies. We will cover the ways that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer people challenge Christian theology to find freedom through Jesus' gift of embodied and imminent transformation. You do NOT need to have attended liberation theology classes to understand this forum. In fact, this forum will serve as a great summary of the state of liberation theology in the United States. Come be transformed by the witness of Queer liberation theology.

9 am Activity Time – children and youth of all ages are invited to the lower level Youth Room for Activity Time with a combination of free play, organized group activities, and time for conversation.

10 am Worship – Fourth Sunday of Advent, Lighting of the Advent Candles, “On the Cusp of Christmas: The Promise of Justice,” extended prelude of carols by harpist Cyndi Zechmann beginning at 9:45 am, Preacher: Pastor Suzanne Appelo, retired pastor, formerly of Gull Harbor Lutheran Church. Hospitality & Fellowship immediately following worship in Crary Fellowship Hall.

Video recordings of the sermon will be posted on Sunday afternoon at 3pm here on the website, Facebook, and YouTube; The weekly Newsletter is posted every Friday at noon.

A play area and seating for children and their caregivers is available in the sanctuary, and a staffed nursery is also available in Room 114 for the youngest among us

Sunday, December 24 at 5 pm & 8 pm

Two worship services with Holy Communion, individual candles, and Silent Night: Intergenerational Festival service at 5 pm, and Celtic Contemplative service at 8 pm. All are welcome to a time for fellowship and sweet & savory appetizers immediately following the worship service.

Contemplative & Musical Evenings

65th Anniversary Celebration Service

Summer Outdoor Worship

65th Anniversary Sweet Memories Event

Congregational Picnic

VBS: Gifted!